We were tagged by @doriandmena to answer 10 RV questions. If we didn’t answer them, it would’ve given us 7 years of bad luck with our black tank. Kidding kidding.
We now nominate @worldtowning to answer the same questions about the RV that took them around Europe. 🙂

1. What’s the 1 thing you would change about your RV?
2. What’s the 1 thing you did not expect when you purchased your RV?
3. What was the deciding factor for purchasing your RV?
4. What’s your favorite camping meal?
5. What is your must-see destination?
6. What’s your favorite thing about RVing?
7. What is your least favorite thing about RVing?
8. What is on your wish list for your next RV?
9. What’s your favorite adult beverage at camp?
10. What’s your favorite RV accessory?


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